


The monsters circling around Avel Castle, and especially the approaching Beast, are a real danger for the people of this land. It’s not surprising then that everyone wants to help with the battle. Craftsmen are crafting items, dwarves are building siege machines, and herbalists invent new recipes and boil potions. Even the wildness people will join the battle if you can prove your bravery by defeating monsters. Use their help and together protect Avel Castle!

4,95 €
4,70 €
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The monsters circling around Avel Castle, and especially the approaching Beast, are a real danger for the people of this land. It’s not surprising then that everyone wants to help with the battle. Craftsmen are crafting items, dwarves are building siege machines, and herbalists invent new recipes and boil potions. Even the wildness people will join the battle if you can prove your bravery by defeating monsters. Use their help and together protect Avel Castle!

Chronicles of Avel: Adventurers’ toolkit is an expansion that brings even more variety to your games! The characters created by you will get new, useful items and will have a chance to discover unknown corners of the land and all the possibilities they present. The expansion also introduces new monsters — if you manage to defeat them, you might be able to get the favor of animal companions who will gladly give you their helpful paws… or wings, if you need them.

3 monsters, 3 board tiles, 3 ballistae, 3 animal companions, 6 equipment tokens, rules.

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